Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Adventure begins

With Anne exerting her usual influence, the (8-seater) taxi was booked for 07:15 and a trouble-free trip got us to the airport so early for our flight that they offered to get us away on an earlier flight! We took the offer as it would give plenty of time at Heathrow for them to check the bikes through. All went well; we, and the bikes, happily, arrived at Zurich totally unscathed. It took nearly 2 hours to unwrap, rebuild, and set up the bikes. This was extended as I cross threaded the pump adapter and, on unscrewing it, backed out the valve internals. With a flat, valveless tyre and a pump with a jammed valve in it, I had to search out a helpful customs man with a pair of pliers. Eventually all was sorted, whilst Anne sat drumming her fingers, and we were on our way. As it was now nearly 19:30, we bought tickets for the train to the centre of Zurich. Wow, Swiss trains are the business. Smart, clean, velvet smooth, silent and totally rattle free, with plenty room for bikes, almost exactly like Scotrail isn't. With just 5km to cycle from the station to the youth hostel, we arrived ready for a pint just before the rain started. Result!

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