Thursday, 26 May 2016

Time is Marching On

The last few weeks have been busy.  Firstly a 6-day cycle tour of the Coast and Castles loop between Edinburgh and Alnmouth at the end of April was a warm-up for June.  It was actually sunny, but freezing cold ... every day!

Then there was a week in Cumbria with a lung-busting climb of Ambleside's 'The Struggle' at 20%, and a more relaxing circuit of Lake Windermere.

This was followed by a long weekend acting as lead support driver, route-marking and looking after the welfare of 35 coast-to-coast riders from BP doing the 8th annual 3-day charity ride Skye to Aberdeen).  Cumulative total funds raised now exceeds £1,000,000!!

Now it's back to final planning of the Rhine trip!